Environmental and Earth Systems Science
Since my arrival in Australia, I worked to build collaborations with colleagues from three prestigious universities: UNSW, USyd and UOW. They are internationally renowned experts in: global chemical transport modelling, atmospheric physical chemistry and paleoclimatology. At the moment, I am performing Kinetic Modelling of a novel class of atmospheric reactions that will be used to improve the performance of global chemical transport models and global atmospheric models.
Software and Code: Multiwell, GEOS-Chem
Supercomputer: GADI
Atmospheric Physics
My main goal is to make smaller and smaller the uncertainties related to the estimation of aerosol formation in global climate model simulations. Specifically, I am studying pre-nucleation mechanisms by DFT (Density Functional Theory). I am also working with colleagues from CNR-Italy on water molecular clusters formation and with the Atmospheric Physics research group of FaMAF-UNC (Cordoba-Argentina) to study Homogeneous Nucleation in Supercooled Liquid Water by Molecular Dynamics.
Software and Code: Gaussian, GAMESS, ORCA, GROMACS
Supercomputers: Mendieta, Galileo100
Materials Science
I received my 5-year Master’s degree in Chemistry carrying out an experimental thesis on the synthesis of a solid solution of magnesium, titanium and aluminium. The research project was in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and contemplated the use of Sol-Gel techniques. I got my Master’s degree in Polymer Science and technology at the Proplast (now Plastic Academy) and my goal is to use this knowledge in the fields of materials recycling and waste management.
I am interested in applying Machine Learning (ML) to the scientific problems I face during my work. Recently, I finished a Professional Program in Data Science with a Capstone course applying ML algorithms to dataset produce by GEOS-Chem Simulations.